Sunday, October 25, 2020


 I originally got the ranch remedy because I have 2 cats and both like to fight a lot. They both used their nails when they get really angry reach other and sometimes there's open wounds that happen when they get too rough. I didn't want to always go to the vet to check and make sure everything was OK but I also want to make sure that the wounds healed correctly and did not get infected. The one thing about ranch remedy is that it's something you can get over the counter and it relieves so many different things way better then things I get for myself. It is Made in the USA so you could order it online and get it quick and fast. It really helps my cats live healthy lives because I don't have to go to the vet to help them heal this really helped me make sure that no and infections seep into any wounds after my cats fight. Ranch remedy is a topical anti fugal 1st aid that has been delivering relief for many skin issues for over 45 years. It is a natural plant place based cleansing compound for quick relief for skin irritations their help with prevention of infections. It also reduces pain itching hills dry chapped skin and flaking skin rashes. It also release hot spots and incite fights in Staines post surgery warms. It also helps with the pulling of stitches and wounds it speeds up the healing process and naturally and liminate heal warts. It's also tough on older and danger and release minor cuts scrapes Burns and rashes. It isn't for used with derma Vine a natural plant at extract that enhances the skin natural healing to repair itself. As it it is a topical 1st aid all that is needed is a consob to to apply the solution to any area.

If you wanna try it here the link right here

Wig Grip Headband


  There is nothing like having a really good wake to wear either for Halloween or for some very special event where you can look your best with low effort. I have been wearing wigs for some time now and the one thing that is really big is the fact that some wigs are not secured correctly and so they have the adverse effect of falling off or move it in a way where you know that is wig. I have been looking for some time for a secure head wrap that matches my skin color so it doesn't look bed on a black head or a black haired wig. I came across this product on Amazon and I completely liked it one thing the price was way cheaper than many other advertisements on different sites such as Facebook or even ticktock. Another thing is the fact that because I'm buying from Amazon I know I can get it but I can return it when ever I need to and no cost to me. I also could buy with prime membership so it came straight away and I didn't have to wait a long time like of unlike other sites that are drop sites this 1 is something where I can get it in United States within a week. It comes set of 2 And 1 strap. The strap has a velvet on it and it can and has a stretching us and can be secured in many different places. The headband works really well and is very secure I wore for some time before I wrote this down and it worked really well and didn't fit make me feel hot though I would say wearing in a when at times are probably easier because its velvet that is actually a problem when you're wearing the wig is that because you your hair and your head is expose that it can be really cold but because as the velvet there's another layer on U plus the skullcap which can really secure your head which really helps a lot with the Winter time since I have based in the Midwest.

If you like what you see and you wanna try it for yourself please go says link on Amazon

Birthday Video Greeting Card

 There's nothing like enjoying a birthday card that you made yourself today. I made a Birthday card for my friend for a fortie of Birthd...