Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Wonder Pedi Foot Cream with jojoba oil and jasmine

 There is nothing like having cracked skin in the summer is extremely annoying it hurts a lot of times and for someone who walks around a lot it's going to be extremely hard to deal with. When is the things that I try to do is good a petty at least once a month to help with the crack skin and the blisters that I sometimes get with my skin. One of the big things is the fact that since we've all been quarantined so much a lot of places has either closed or have limited space for people. I often worry that many places that I go to will just go out of business before I can get a chance to really get an appointment. So I work so much to keep my skin feeling really good in between The Times when I can actually get in and get a pedi.  What are the good things about that is that I have been trying out some news skin stuff for my feet. When do the things that I have been trying is this wonder petty with Jasmine and jobo oil. It is parabien free and not tested on animals.  It is made in Korea so it's K beauty brand. It smells really good because has Jasmine in it and that gives us blissful rhoma it also helps with bringing back moisture and hydration to your skin. Another great thing about it is that you can find it at Walmart which is really helpful because this is not a super expensive and it's also someplace where I can actually go out and pick it up any time especially during the time when stores are closing a lot in Chicago and I always know that a Walmart will be available.  I would recommend trying enough for yourself it works really good it's great in between pedi's.
If you like this go to the link below
#footcream #moisturizer #medactiveshop #medactiveus #koreanskincare

Monday, March 15, 2021

Wonder Pedi white truffles and Shea butter

I have a walking job. My job includes walking up and down the train platforms whenever a customer needs help. I even sometimes have to walk the tracks to retrieve things off the tracks so my feet take a killing. While last summer I didn't have to do much. I know this summer I will be doing a lot of work. I hope that my feet can take it. My feet tend to crack a lot and be very dry. I also because I walk a lot I tend  to have blisters on my feet. I usually try to get pedi every month but this year obviously that won't work. Also know I won't have time to do any spa days as I want to so I decided to try wonder pedi. I tried three different products to find the best one. This one has Shea butter and white truffles. The truffles  have anti-flammatory and antioxidant aging benefits. Both together strengthens and nourishes the skin. It is not tested on animals and parabien free. It is made in Korea so it a k beauty. I really like it.

Here a link
#footcream #moisturizer #medactiveshop #medactiveus #koreanskincare

Wonder Pedi shea butter and rose petals

blockquote style="border: none; margin: 0 0 0 40px; padding: 0px;">
 It's really important for me

as we go into the summer that we have really pretty feet. So when I say we I mean me and my kids need to have pretty feet. Now I go in get the pedi, when I go to get my money so I get mani pedi. think it extremely important to start to get children thinking about taking care of themselves. Now it not about looking good but feeling good. I feel you shine when you feel good  when you take care of yourself, i

t just make you feel and look good because of the confidence boost. With wonder pedi I tried three different products this being one of them. It has Shea butter which is great for the skin and rose petals. Rose petals are anti-flammatory and antioxidant benefits. Since the Shea butter is a moisturizer agent it quenches the skin. It made in Korea so it k beauty and it not tested on animals. It also parabien free. Just soak your skin before and enjoy.

If you like it go to this link it at Walmart

 #footcream #moisturizer #medactiveshop #medactiveus #koreanskincarehttps://www.walmart.com/blocked?url=L2lwL0Zvb3QtQ2FyZS1DcmVhbS1Ob3VyaXNoaW5nLU1vaXN0dXJpemVyLUZvci1DcmFja2VkLVJvdWdoLUZsYWt5LUhlZWwtV2l0aC1TaGVhLUJ1dHRlci1VcmVhLWFuZC1Sb3NlLVBldGFscy1Xb25kZXItUGVkaS0xMDBtbC82MzAxOTQyNzg=

Birthday Video Greeting Card

 There's nothing like enjoying a birthday card that you made yourself today. I made a Birthday card for my friend for a fortie of Birthd...